Beginning Blog on plane. No I cant post from here, but I'll copy and paste it on line later. we are currently somewhere over the ocean at 33,000 feet. 9 hours and 45 minutes to destination. So far, not much has happens except Jacks run for the gate, but that is his story to tell. We have finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean 4, we ate a meal, lunch I guess. Now everyone is napping. I find it hard to nap in this my middle seat between two strangers.
All the way over here and while waiting in the airport, we all kept saying to each other, "Is this really happening? Are we really going to China". It's all so unbelievable. When we arrive I think it will be all work for a while, but still, IN CHINA.
Time left in flight: 7 hours, 40 minutes. Ignored second movie. Started reading. Took a walk to visit Shane and Jeff on the other side of the plane. Drink service has begun, but only if you ask. They now seem to be playing episodes of The Office. I'm thinking of moving to the seat next to Jack; I have no one to talk to back here.
Now it is night there, back home, but it is the afternoon where we are going. Now over Japan, 2hours 15 to landing, which is 7:(something local time). We can actually look down and see Japan! Awesome .
Landed, cleared airport to be greeted by screaming fans. Cheyenne and the girls from the theater came to meet us and gave a real celebrity welcome with cameras flashing and calling out our names. Wild!
We were driven to the hotel and got checked in and settled. Then we were shown where to get breakfast in the morning and had an after dark stroll around the school. We ended up at Stage Deli ( really, it is the " coffee shop on campus. It looks like it belongs in Berkley), and shared some drinks and snacks and talked of things come.
Finally got back to the hotel and a bed. I've given up on trying to understand the time. I don't know what time I went to bed, and I think it is now after 4:am, but I can't get back to sleep. Attempts to reach home either by phone or on line have met with disappointment. There is NOT wifi here and though I especially got internationally calling for the month, there is no coverage from my carrier here in Shanghai. So until I can get more awake, English speaking people, I cannot get in touch with my husband who no doubt is freaking out. Sorry honey.
First morning in China. Many of our group got up early to have breakfast and explore the city by foot. I didn't. Actually I woke up at 3:am and went back to sleep. Got up again about 9am and went to a terrific Buffett breakfast at the hotel. After trying one more time to get my phone to work, I asked Jack to text a message to face book to let Brian know we got here safe. Then I went exploring with Hayley and Allen. We found a bank so as to change some money, but it took a very long time. Many forms involved in money exchanging.
We met up with the gang from the theater for lunch at the campus canteen. Then Cheynne took us for coffee drinks at The Stage Deli to keep us fortified through the rest of the day. We attended our first play. A terrific version of a traditional Chinese tale done in the style of the Peking Opera. No singing, but it was in Chinese with no subtitles. So I didn't really know what was going on, but it was beautiful with terrific production values. I see where Asia gets its interest in anima. The styles of traditional Chinese theater remind me a lot of the sounds and postures of contemporary Asian animation. Off now to "Opening Ceremonies" for the festival followed by dinner and another show, hopefully in English or with subtitles.
Well tonight's show was from Norway, in Norwegian with Chinese subtitles. Really interesting, lots of arguing, but I don't know exactly what they argued about. But terrific use of really tall lamps. After the show, Cheyenne arranged for some taxies to take everyone to "The Bomb" (?). It's where all the pretty lighted buildings are near the river. But I had to call it quits for the day. I'm just exhausted. I cannot believe that we have only had one true "night" (period for sleep), since we left home. So I'll have to hear tonight's outing tomorrow. And the shows we've seen today have me preoccupied with our show and how our scene transitions will work. Hopefully we will get to see the space tomorrow. We have a space to rehearse, but another group is still performing in " the black box ". We will get to set our show in there in a few days. I hope to find a wifi spot tomorrow so I can get in touch with Brian and up load this fascinating blog.
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